How Much Is a Basket of Tomatoes in Lagos?

Tomatoes!!! That’s the foundation of all our delicious and yummy foods in Nigeria. We Lagosians are not left out. From our world-class tasty jollof to omi obe (stew) to egusi, efo riro, asaro and other delicacies, tomatoes are a mainstay of our culinary adventures. 

So, how much is a basket of tomatoes in Lagos? This is not a question that has a straightforward answer. The reason for this is that price of basket of tomatoes at any time or day varies due to a number of factors:

How much is basket of tomatoes in Lagos?

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Factors That Determine Price of Basket of Tomatoes In Lagos

  • Season: Like all fruits and vegetables, tomatoes have their season. When tomatoes are in season, there is so much of it available in the markets, so you can buy a lot at low costs. However, when it is not the tomato season, the price no be here 
  • Basket Sizes: Tomatoes come in various sizes; there are small baskets, the medium ones, and those huge ones that look like they could feed a small army. The price you pay depends on the size of the basket you choose. So, the bigger the basket, the deeper you’ll dig into your pocket.
  • Where You Buy From: There are many markets in Lagos and where you buy your tomatoes from affect how much is the price of basket of tomatoes in Lagos. The Almighty Mile 12 market is known as the headquarters of tomatoes, where the price of basket of tomatoes. Buying from other markets, especially smaller ones close to estates or upscale neigbourhoods typically means paying higher costs. 
  • Quality Matters: Tomatoes are not born equal. Apart from the species such as Jos, UTC, Yoruba etc, tomatoes also vary by Grades – Grade A basket of tomatoes in Lagos are the best top quality of plump, fresh and ripe tomatoes; you also have Grade B, Grade C all the way to what is called esha, which is the really pressed and mashed tomatoes. Unsurprisingly, how much is a basket of tomatoes in Lagos is affected by the grade of the tomatoes. Grade A is usually higher in price than others


In Lagos, the cost of a basket of tomatoes is like a plot twist in a Nollywood movie – it can be unpredictable. While the season, basket size, and quality play a significant role in determining the price, where you shop also matters. For those of you searching for answers to “how much is a basket of tomatoes in Lagos,” keep in mind that it’s always a good idea to check with local vendors and markets to get the most current prices. With this knowledge in your basket (pun intended), you can navigate the tomato market in this our Lagos with confidence ?✨

Want to save up to 40% on the cost of your foodstuff in Lagos?

Join Iyaloja Direct Mile 12, Oyingbo and Ketu foodstuff sharing. Buy the small quantity you need, yet pay wholesale prices. We buy for many people at once, so you enjoy the benefits of bulk buying without having to actually buy in bulk. 

Shop now on our website: Iyaloja Direct