How to make Coconut Rice

Coconut rice is a very nutritious meal and as the name implies, its major ingredient is coconut. It can be eaten at anytime you want with either meat, fish, chicken or what have you.

I’ll list the ingredients required for this sumptuous meal and steps on how to prepare it below:

  • Required amount of rice
  • Coconut
  • Pepper and onions
  • Seasoning cube and salt to taste
  • Carrot, green peas or green beans (if desired)
  • Prepared chicken, meat or whatever you want to use


  • First you extract your coconut milk. To do this, you grate your coconut and put the grated content into a blender after which you add some amount of water. Blend the contents, when you are done put the blended content in a sieve and filter the milk out.
  • After preparing your coconut milk, par boil your rice. Then pour your coconut milk into a pot and allow to heat. Add your rice and make sure the rice and coconut milk are on the same level, if they aren’t you can add water.
  • Add your grated/diced peppers and onions, also add your seasoning cubes and salt, taste and allow to heat for a while. When this is done, add your diced vegetables and leave for a little while.
  • Taste to be sure it is ready, if it is, you are done but if it isn’t you can add a little water till you are satisfied.
  • Serve hot with your prepared meat or chicken and for my yoruba folks, spicy is the way.

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