Quick hacks to make kitchen time mega stress-free

Hi people!!!

Today’s topic is going to be really brief and educative. I’ll be sharing with you certain kitchens hacks that will help you have a stress free time in the kitchen. Get yourself a glass of chilled water ‘cos’ you’re about to be schooled.

  • Scoop leftover tomato paste into a plastic polythene bag, separate into portions and then freeze flat. To do this, spoon the leftover paste into a polythene plastic bag, then spread it evenly. Zip the top then separate the content into rectangles using your fingertips. Since the paste is thick, it will stay put. Put it in the freezer, then use in segments when you are ready.
  • If your grill’s got a little messy substance on it, crinkle up a big sheet of foil then rumple a big sheet of foil and rub it along the grates before lighting the grill. This is the easiest to clean your grill if you don’t have a grill brush…or simply can’t locate it.
  • Always peel boiled eggs when they’re freshly cooked. Refrigerating them with the shell on makes it impossible or nearly impossible to peel.
  • Use separate cutting boards for vegetables,meat, etc to avoid cross contamination.
  • Peel ginger skin with the side of a spoon instead of a knife to ease your work and reduce waste less waste.
  • Freeze bananas without their skins, they’re hard to peel when frozen.
  • Over salted your soup or stew? No problem. Plop in a peeled potato and the little guy will absorb all the sal in 10 minutes.
  • Peel your potatoes after you’ve cooked them and soaked them in cold water for a while.

Now that you have learnt, go and stress no more! 😀